MEMBER REGISTRATION NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION Duration : 1.5 hours Location : Webinar Members : Free Non-members : $75 Description This presentation […]

MEMBER REGISTRATION NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION Duration : 1.5 hours Location : Webinar Members : Free Non-members : $75 Description This presentation […]
This presentation is intended as a reminder of the main means of collecting taxes and other municipal debts. It will remind directors general/clerk-treasurers of their obligations in this regard and it will explore the different methods of execution following the obtaining of a judgment.
Recording date : November 22, 2023
We are pleased to offer this course at a reduced rate thanks to funding by the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise.
Me Grace Mahoney, Bélanger Sauvé
Grace Mahoney focuses her practice on all aspects of municipal life. She represents and advises municipal bodies on governance and ethics, local regulations, land-use planning and development, public contract management, relations with various levels of government, civil liability and citizen relations.
She appears before the Quebec courts, including the Superior Court and the Court of Appeal, and before specialized bodies like the Commission municipale du Québec, the Commission d’accès à l’information and various municipal courts.
400, boulevard Jean-Lesage
Hall Est, bureau 535
Québec (Québec) G1K 8W1